Soon Be Christmas
As we're all aware, Christmas is fast approaching. Let's try and spread a little of the traditional good will we're supposed to be sharing at this time. Maybe just for a little while we could forget about the anxious and constant squabbling about the so called Brexit thing. Maybe we could concentrate on really celebrating the birth of Jesus the Saviour. Listen to your heart for a change instead of just your head, hear again the voices of the angels as they sang to tell of His birth. Read the story in the Gospels of how He arrived not as He deserved in majesty but in humility, born not in a palace but in a stable. Don't let the unbelievers rob you of your faith. If you don't believe at present, open your heart to the possibility that you just might have got it wrong. Jesus really was born of a virgin called Mary, in the small town of Bethlehem, the city of David. He grew up in Israel and gave Himself not just for them, but for the sins of the whole world. He came to give us the best gift of all, forgiveness for sin, freedom from its power and eternal life.
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