What's a Fundie?

Fundie is the rather derogatory term used for fundamental Christians like me.  Once you declare that Jesus Christ is your Lord & that you won't follow any other faith, religion, philosophy, call it what you will, you're labelled, branded even.  People who use this terms for us come from a number of camps.  Those who don't believe in what I call the Judeo Christian Ethic, Atheists, people of other religions and members of liberal or formal churches which don't see the need for a personal relationship with God.  I remember being told by an Episcopalian churchman, that the evangelicals made faith sound so personal, of course it's personal!  It's ridiculous that someone claiming to be a Christian should think that way.  This Jesus character, is the One we Christians believe is the Son of God, God the Son.  This is the One who came down from Heaven, lived in this often cess pit of a world and died for it.  Now if someone who is the Son of God and God the Son, spoke to the kind of people respectable people avoid & don't even look or talk to, why wouldn't you think it was personal?  He touched people with incurable diseases.  He let a woman of the night wash His feet with her tears.  He associated with tax collectors, the men who in the eyes of their fellow nationals were traitors of the lowest sort, who collaborated with the occupiers and oppressors of the land of Israel, the Romans.  If that isn't personal then what is?  A few years ago someone made a few quid with a song titled From A Distance.  The Bible tells us that God isn't distant, that He's never far away from any of us.  I'm happy to be known as a Fundie, a Bible Basher, Jesus Freak, or any other label non believers wish to apply because I'm following the only One who can guarantee me forgiveness for my sins, peace with God and the peace of God..


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