
Showing posts from March, 2022


 It's nothing less than tragic, watching the war unfold in Ukraine.  A tyrant wants to re-establish an empire along the lines of the old USSR.  He won't admit it of course, but Mr Putin wants to bring together the countries which were under the tyranny of the communist party in Russia.  In pursuing his aims, he doesn't seem to care who gets killed in the process, old or young, male or female.  Like other tyrants before him, he seems to be unaware or uncaring that Almighty God will hold him to account if the rulers of this world can't.  

End Times?

 Every time a new war starts, even in a far flung forgotten corner of the world, people with a faith / religious point of view start wondering if we're entering the end times.  While this is always a possibility, I don't believe so.  One reason for this, is that the world isn't evil enough yet.  Yes, there are some horrible things happening just now, especially in Ukraine.  However, the conditions which will exist when the world is really nearing its end will be so much worse and quite literally beyond our imagination.  When it comes to thinking about end of times, it's worth remembering that all of us are mortal.  We will one day die and so for us this world will come to an end.  The oldest person recorded in modern times has been around 120 years and this is exceptional.  The Bible tells us to seek the Lord while He may be found and that "now" is the accepted time, the day of salvation.  Call upon Him while He is near, ask His forgiven...


 Well here I am, back after a gap of just over 3 years.  I don't know why I've neglected my blog, but I'm going to be posting as much as I can from now on.  My fundamental views haven't lessened any, if anything they're more deeply entrenched than ever before.  I still believe in the triune God Father Son and Holy Spirit.  I still believe that Jesus Christ is the only One who can get you into Heaven.  I still believe that He gave Himself to die for our sins, that He rose literally after 3 days in the grave and ascended back to the right hand of the Father. there to once again, share the glory that He had with Him before the world began.  For those of you who have never considered the existence of eternity, perhaps now that the world is once again on the brink of war might be as good a time as any to do it.  They do say that there's no such thing as an atheist on the eve of a battle and surely all of us are going to be facing battles of one kind or...